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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CHAPTER XVI: Journey Towards The Holistic Alternative - The Road Ahead

CHAPTER XVI: Journey Towards The Holistic Alternative - The Road Ahead 



Appreciating the need for Self-Exploration: The journey towards the holistic alternative begins with the need to appreciate the need for self-exploration. Through self-exploration, when we are able to realize the difference between what we are and what we really want to be, then the urgency of taking the corrective steps becomes clear.  

Facilitating the Understanding of Harmony at various levels:  After realizing the need for self-exploration, the next important step is to have access to the ways and means to facilitate its process. This will help to discover the harmony at various levels starting from our own-self spanning up to the entire existence .

Steps for evolution at the individual level: An exposure to the framework of right understanding has to be carried out with perseverance and commitment till we ourselves become confident to carry out the process of self-exploration and self-evolution in all human endeavours.

Steps for transition at the level of Family, Society and Profession:

Promoting Mass Awareness and Moving Towards Humanistic Education: The most crucial step to affect transition in the society is by creating mass awareness and by motivating people for self-exploration. This awareness can be brought about through personal interaction, popular literature, formal courses, workshops and seminars at various levels like schools, colleges, professional institutions etc.

Evolving Holistic Models of Living : It is necessary to develop holistic models of living such as the development of holistic technologies, production systems, and management models to to actualize the holistic ways of life.

Amending Policies, Programs and Social Systems in Tune with Comprehensive Human Goal: All our policies, programs, technologies and professions as well as the economic, political and social systems need to be gradually modified to suit the holistic worldview.

Is the Transition too Difficult?
It is often said that the vision for holistic alternative is idealistic and very difficult to achieve. But it is a wrong notion. Even small steps towards right understanding are very soothing, mutually fulfilling and confidence giving. The more we explore within ourselves, the more we develop the understanding and realization for the need of the holistic alternatives.

To ensure continuous happiness and prosperity in the human order, the transition to human consciousness is required. To bring about this transition towards the holistic alternative, it is necessary to create mass awareness and facilitate wide spread humanistic education. Also, extensive research has to be done to evolve and implement holistic technologies and systems. It is also necessary to make appropriate amendments in the policies, programs and social systems to facilitate the  transition.

CHAPTER XV: Vision For Holistic Technologies, Production Systems And Management Models

CHAPTER XV: Vision For Holistic Technologies, Production Systems And Management Models 


               Vision for Holistic Technologies, Production systems and Management Models

The Holistic Criteria for Evaluation:

There are three broad criteria to guide the development of technologies and systems conducive to human welfare:

1.       Catering to appropriate needs and lifestyles
2.       People friendly
3.       Eco friendly

More specifically, it can be described as follows:

Criteria for technologies –

·         Catering to real human needs
·         Compatible with natural systems and cycles
·         Facilitating effective utilization of human body, animals, plants and materials
·         Safe, user friendly and conducive to health
·         Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible
·         Promoting the use of renewable energy resources
·         Low cost and energy efficient
·         Enhancing human interaction and cooperation
·         Promoting decentralization
·         Durability and life cycle recyclability of products

Criteria for Production Systems

What to produce?
How to produce?
For whom to produce?
And how much to produce?

Criteria to judge the appropriateness of production systems

·         Optimal utilization of local resources and expertise
·         Economic viability and sustainability
·         Priority for local consumption
·         Matching the pattern of production with the availability/producibility in the local environment and the pattern of consumption
·         Decentralized systems capable of meaningful employment of people in the community
·         Facilitating production by masses and not mass production in a centralized mode
·         Promoting individual creativity and sense of accomplishment
·         Using people-friendly and eco-friendly technologies
·         Ensuring requisite quality of production
·         Safe and conducive to health of persons involved in production as well as to others.

Criteria for Humanistic Management Models

·         The whole unit working as a well-knit family
·         Cooperative and motivational
·         Ensuring correct appraisal of human labour
·         Targeting employer-employee as well as consumer satisfaction and not profit maximization
·         Sharing of responsibility and participative mode of management
·         Continuous value addition of the persons involved
·         Effectively integrating individual competencies and complimentarity

A Critical Appraisal of the Prevailing Systems

à The present day models have been developed from the materialistic world view.
à They are using latest scientific knowledge and sophisticated technologies
à But they are incompatible with ecology and not conducive to Human Welfare.
à Heavily dependent on non-renewable sources causing depletion as well as pollution
à Natural resources, labour etc. are being substituted with the artificial ones.
à More complicated systems which are highly capital and energy intensive
à Although labelled as user friendly, and of being superior quality products or systems, they are not conducive to human welfare.

Learning from the Systems in Nature and Traditional Practices

To gain an insight into the holistic systems we need to learn from the systems of nature and from traditional practices. The modern world is living with a wrong notion that nature is meant to be controlled and exploited for human enjoyment. This is what is termed as development these days. But in reality, human beings are an integral part of this self-sustaining nature. Hence it is essential that they live in harmony with nature. 

Similarly, with the increase in knowledge and skills, and changing needs, many improvisations are being made in technologies. But they are not as eco-friendly and people-friendly as the traditional practices. Hence, it is necessary that the improvisations should recognise and retain the good qualities of the traditional practices.

CHAPTER XIV: Professional Ethics In The Light Of Right Understanding

CHAPTER XIV: Professional Ethics In The Light Of Right Understanding 


              Professional Ethics in the light of Right Understanding:

Profession: The participation of human beings in the larger order to pursue the Comprehensive Human Goal
à It is a participation involving production and production related activities. It helps to provide physical facilities for oneself and one’s family.

Professional Education: The education which helps to acquire the specific skills and knowledge for any profession

Professional Ethics (also called Ethical Conduct of Profession) : right utilization of one’s professional skills 

à A competent professional should carry out his profession with Right Understanding, Dexterity and Commitment. His efforts should be conducive to human welfare, to the happiness and prosperity of everyone and to the enrichment of nature.

To have competence in professional ethics, one should have:
·         Clarity about the Comprehensive Human Goal
·         Confidence in yourself and in harmony at all levels
·         Competence of mutually fulfilling behaviour with ethical conduct
·         Competence of mutually enriching interaction with nature
·         Competence of actualizing/ implementing of one’s understanding

Issues in Professional Ethics – The Current Scenario

Issues such as Corruption, Tax evasion, Cut-throat competition, Consumer Exploitation, Adulteration, Endangering Public Health and Safety, Hoarding (accumulating) and Overcharging, Unethical Advertisements and Sales Promotions etc.


à Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Chernobyl Disaster
à Hawala and Benami transactions
à Drug mafia, Builders’ mafia, Arms mafia
à Promoting harmful products like Pan masala etc.

The way out:

à Introducing Awareness Programmes, New Courses, Case Studies
à By administering Oaths & Prescribing Codes of ethical Conduct for professions.
à Carrying out intensive audits
à Implementing strict laws and harder punishments
à Carrying out “Sting Operations”
à Encourage whistle blowing by Individuals and Groups

Inherent Contradictions and Dilemmas:
Several businesses follow the policy “ Your loss is my gain”


à Cigarettes, Gutkas, Pan-masalas are advertised in a glamourous, tempting manner but come with  Statuatory Warnings such as “ Injurious to Health”etc.

à the professions of Doctors, Lawyers, Defence Personnel etc.

Often, the common man’s question is: Should we buy them or Should we not?

Such contradictions and dilemmas occur due to prime focus on profit maximization.

The only solution to all such dilemmas is RIGHT UNDERSTANDING.

CHAPTER XIII: Basis For The Holistic Alternative Towards Universal Human Order


              CHAPTER XIII: Basis For The Holistic Alternative Towards Universal Human Order 

               Holistic = a belief that all parts are interconnected to form a whole (dealing with the whole rather than the individual units)

Vision of Holistic Alternative = choosing to deal with the whole rather than with individual units

Identifying Comprehensive Human Goal

The Comprehensive Human Goal consists of:

Basis of Humanistic Education & Humanistic Constitution

Implimentation of Right Understanding          leads to change in education system(humanistic education)

                            (thus)Education changes from mere reading,writing,arithmetic to understanding and developing harmony at all levels.

Humanistic Education

  • emphasizes on self exploration
  • leads to self evolution

  • enables to realize innateness(svatva) 
  • changes the entire education system in the long run
  •  (To develop such education, lot of research effort is needed to develop new models)

Humanistic Constitution

  • Refers to the creation of clear guidelines & policy framework to safe guard social justice(wiping out caste, religion, economic bias etc) and to develop a universal human order
  • Subsides conflicts ranging from family level to global level.

Universal Human Order and its Implications


CHAPTER XII: Providing The Basis For Universal Human Values And Ethical Human Conduct

CHAPTER XII: Providing The Basis For Universal Human Values And Ethical Human Conduct 



The participation of human beings at different levels in the larger order is our “Value”. This participation is seen in two forms: Behaviour and Work.


These are the nine values in a relationship namely trust, respect, care, affection,guidance, reverence, glory and love.


Material Things have two Values:

1.       Utility Value (Upayogita Mulya) and
2.       Artistic Value (Kala Mulya)

Anything useful to us has utility value like a shirt, pen etc. The way these things are designed for convenience, attractive look etc. constitutes their Artistic Value.

Universal Values Naturally Emerging from the Right Understanding
 There is an innate harmony and orderliness in the existence. Human beings just need to understand it (not create). This Right Understanding of the harmony helps in inculcating the universal values.  The Universal Values are the truths of existence and are always there. They should not be enforced through fear, greed or blind faith/belief. The values are naturally acceptable and there is no need for imposition or enforcement.


Values: desirable or useful qualities in a person

Morals : knowing what is right and what is wrong after reading/observing/experiencing something

Moral Values: the relative values that give us protection and respect if used correctly.
Example: courage, commitment etc.

Ethics = moral values in action
(knowing the difference between right/ wrong usage of morals and doing the right thing even if it is risky or painful)

Ethical Human Conduct = Behaviour which is ethically correct. It is  self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and universal.

Examples of Ethical Values = eg. Keeping promise,  honesty, loyalty, fairness, concern for others, commitment, abiding by law etc.

Good Professional = A person having Ethical Human Conduct + requisite Professional Skills

Professional Ethics = The personal, official or business rules that govern our behaviour within the context of a particular situation
Eg. Ethics in border security, lawyers, doctors in the gender testing of the foetus etc

The Right Understanding gained through Self Exploration enables us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct, also called, the Ethical Human Conduct.  

 The definitiveness of ethical human conduct is understood in terms of definiteness of              
               values, policies and character and it is universal.

1.       Values(Mulya) – they are part of our Ethical conduct and are the outcome of our realization and understanding. They are always definite(30 in number).

There are 30 Values in all for a human being:

·         Within the Self (in “I”) – 4 Values
Sukha(Happiness), Santi(Peace), Santosa(Satisfiction), Ananda(bliss)

·         As a human being, in participation in the universal order – 6 Values
Perseverance( Dhirata), Bravery( Virata), Generosity( Udarata), Kindness( Daya), Beneficience( Kripa), Compassion( Karuna)

·         In human relationships with other human beings – 18 Values
Trust( Viswasa), Respect( Sammana), Affection( Sneha), Care( Mamata), Guidance(Vatsalya), Reverence( Shraddha), Glory( Gaurava), Gratitude( Kritagyata), Love( Prema), Complimentariness( Soujanyata), Compliance (Souhardra), Commitment (Nista), Generosity(Udarata), Spontaniety( Sahajata), Obedience(Pujyata), Ease( Saralata), Self-restraint( Saumyata), Unanimity( Ananyata)

·         Human beings in interaction with rest of the nature – 2 Values
Utility Value( Upayogita mulya), Artistic Value( Kala mulya)
2.       Policy(Neethi) – It refers to developing an ethical sense in all our pursuits and think, behave and work towards nurturing this harmony. It is a manifestation of right understanding in deciding upon the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the three resources namely, Mana (mind), Tana (body) and Dhana (wealth).( 3 in number)

·         Economic Policy (Artha niti) – policy for enrichment of wealth
·         Political Policy (Rajya niti) – policy for protection of body and wealth
·         Policy for Universal Human Order (Dharma niti) – policy for the right utilization of mind, body and wealth.

3.       Character( Charitra) – definiteness of our living and character(3 in number)
·         Chastity in Conjugal relationship( husband-wife relationship)
·         Rightful production, acquisition and utilization of wealth
·         Humane behaviour and work with kindness
This definitiveness of human conduct in  terms of values, policies and character is termed as Ethics.
A human being with ethical human conduct coupled with requisite professional skills becomes a good professional like a good doctor, a good teacher etc.
·         Ethical conduct should be naturally acceptable to us and should not give rise to conflicts within.
·         It should be in consonance with the right understanding of the reality.
·         It should lead to mutual fulfilment with other people and mutual enrichment with rest of the nature.
·         It should be self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and universal.


The process of Self Exploration which starts as a dialogue within us, helps us in getting rid of our preconceived notions, dilemmas, contradictions, compulsions, both internal and external. This helps us to explore our Svatva( Natural Acceptance) at different levels of our living. Living according to our Svatva, we become Svatantra. When we are able to live in harmony with others, we participate in Svarajya.
                Right understanding helps the human beings to transform from animal consciousness to human consciousness. Self exploration leads to a development in our consciousness and brings about a change in our goals , priorities and selection criteria. This brings about positive changes in the lives of human beings at the levels of individual, family, society and nature.
1.       At the level of Individual: Getting rid of frustration, depression, conflicts etc. and developing good health, happiness and prosperity
2.       At the level of Family: reduced family feuds, feeling of togetherness,  the feeling to nurture others, living on the basis of human consciousness and not on the basis of animal consciousness.
3.       At the level of Society: relationships get higher priority over physical facilities leading to increase in fearlessness and mutual trust, differentiations based on the body, physical facilities, beliefs will get reduced, conflicts between communities, nations, races etc. will get reduced, problems of naxalism, terrorism, war etc. will be solved, feeling of undividedness will be developed leading to the fulfilment of the common  human goal.
4.       At the level of Nature: Problems of pollution, resource depletion, ecological imbalance etc. will be solved, better methods of farming and production will be found, afforestation will be done and animals will be protected from being extinct.